Mere listing ko kaise verify kiya ja sakta hai?

Modified on Thu, 23 Nov 2023 at 10:21 PM

Please follow the below steps to verify your listing:
1. Login into
2. Click on verify button present in the listing card
3. Select Request Housing Data Collector or Self Verification
4. If verification mode is Housing Data Collector, Data Collector will receive your request
5. You will get a call from data collector within 48 hours to confirm the visit
6. Once the visit is confirmed, Data Collector will arrive on decided time
7. Agent is requested to arrange key or share point of contact to facilitate the Photography
8. Photographer will click picture of the property and update information in the app.

Alternatively, you can self - verify your property instantly using's self-verification feature by following simple steps:
1. Click on Self-verification option
2. If you are present on the property, click on start verification. If you are not present on the property or you are using Desktop, Click on share link and enter the phone number of person who will be doing self-verification on your behalf
3. Give location and camera access when asked. In case, you do not see permission pop-up, click on the lock icon in the url bar and allow camera and location access
4. Please switch-off auto-rotate feature from the quick setting option
5. Click picture in landscape mode (bathroom images can be clicked in portrait mode)
5. Follow the on-screen instruction and click picture
6. Review and submit picture

The uploaded images will be reviewed by our internal quality team. A verified tag will be visible after a successful review.

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